Thursday, September 9, 2010

Job Search

So yesterday I lost my job and today I'm looking for a new one. When my manager and HR manager first told me "we're going to have to end our business relationship" I was shocked and immediately felt let down. I didn't want to show it or ask meaningless questions. I simply accepted it and moved right along through the process. Last night I started this blog and thought it a good way to get some of my thoughts and feelings out. I need to find a new job, but more importantly I need to make money. I read a lot of Robert Kiyosaki's books (RichDadPoorDad) and he constantly asks "Is another job what you really need?" I've been thinking about this much more now, obviously, but I'm really starting to believe it. I have the entreprenuer spirit, I'm just not sure where to begin. I started with the AdSense campaign, and I'm going to try and make the most of it. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. I found this great article on generating traffic and I'm working on applying the tips now. Back to what I was talking about earlier, some of the sadness is starting to seep in about the whole "firing" thing. I had to cancel an eye exam for my daughter today. It was to get her eyes examined and fitted for contact lenses. She really needs them since she plays soccer. Infact she was injured the other day because she had her glasses on. Well when I told her we won't be able to make the appointment, she was really sad. Now I feel like "S"...

1 comment:

  1. It was very useful for me. Keep sharing such ideas in the future as well. This was actually what I was looking for, and I am glad to came here! Thanks for sharing the such information with us.
